Oct 3, 2016

College Program Highlight – The University of Tennessee

The university’s partnership with Battelle Corp. to manage nearby Oak Ridge National Laboratory fuels the science and technology economy and provides undergraduate and graduate students with opportunities to work near some of the world’s most renowned scientists. The university gets its Volunteer nickname honestly. Students are well known for their volunteer spirit, both on game day and in the community.

A Tennessee rugby student athlete must always keep their priorities in the proper order and lead a disciplined lifestyle that assures compliance to the Volunteer Rugby Maxim: Family, School, Rugby. The stability in the coaching staff is unmatched in college rugby.  Tennessee Rugby also offers an extensive support network for the student athlete that equals or surpasses any program in the country. Some of the services and benefits available to our players include:

  1. Academic support

  2. Medical Support

  3. Spiritual Support

  4. Strength and Conditioning

  5. Health and Nutrition

Most importantly, Tennessee Rugby is a family. Student athletes will gain a trusted friendship with one another and support one another throughout their college years and beyond.

Website: www.utk.edu
Undergraduate Enrollment: 21,863
Average Class Size: 56% of classes have 30 students or less.
Average GPA: 3.89
Middle 50% SAT (Old SAT): Critical Reading: 520-630; Math: 530-630; Writing: NR
Middle 50% ACT: 24-30
Acceptance Rate: 76%
Apply Now: University of Tennessee Apply or Common App


Men’s Rugby Team http://www.tennesseerugby.com/
Men’s Head Coach: Marty Bradley mbradley@tnconnectcu.org or 865.805.5029
Women’s Rugby Team women’s website

Information edited from the University of Tennessee website, University of Tennessee’s rugby websites, and US News World Report.
