Photo Credit: PikWizard.com
Colleges value students who are involved in activities outside of school, and they are not only looking for participation; they are looking for Leadership.
Rugby refereeing is great for college applications in a variety of ways:
First, you are “in charge” of the match as the leader of a large group of people (players, coaches, spectators, and more). This is a huge responsibility on a young person’s shoulders, and it shines through in an application.
You may have an opportunity in refereeing to go further than you do as a player. A huge push is to encourage more young people to pick up refereeing. The game has gotten faster (especially in 7s); therefore, the refs must keep up! As a referee, you might travel the country and the world! All colleges value someone who can stand out somewhere – maybe refereeing will be where you will shine.
Refereeing can be considered Work Experience since most referee societies will pay you to cover matches for them. Win-Win! Think of all the money you can save for college!
While not specifically related to college applications, taking time to learn the game's laws will certainly help your n performance on the pitch. If you don't know the difference between a free-kick and a penalty kick or what happens after a ball has been taken out the back of the in-goal area, now is the time to learn!

Photo Credit: Rugby Australia
So, are you ready to take the first step? Here’s how to become a Rugby Referee:
Step one: Check out the World Rugby Laws online
Step two: Take the Laws Exam – How did you do?
Step three: Sign up for a Level 1 Referee course in your area.