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Match Week Planning Tool

Time Management can be a struggle for everyone – especially collegiate athletes with a FULL class schedule, practices to attend, homework, social life etc. Our friends at Hall Wellness & Sports Consultants have an awesome tool to help you maximize your time and become a better student-athlete!

How can this Match Week Planning Tool help?

  1. Gain Better Clarity throughout the week and in the lead-up to a game (which we all want!)

  2. Good for Scheduling Skills, Extras & Fitness top ups.

  3. Helps you get focused on what Mindset you will like to take into the week. What’s driving your performance this week & WHY is this week important?

  4. A Great Reference: I recently spoke with Aaron Smith about this planner. He keeps ALL (years) of his match week/prep planners in a folder. Why? So he can look back at them and see what has worked in the past and what he can learn from it!

Filling it out?

  1. The first thing I always suggest is that an athlete adds in the times/blocks they know they have, like practice or team weights. You can even add in classes too.

  2. The nextPlease print step is to look at the time & open spaces you have left and then see what you can do or how you can best be productive during that spare time (extras, fitness top-ups, skills etc.)

What’s the Accountability Signature? 

If you sign it – then you should do what you say you are going to do right! It may sound like something small, but what we have found is that it’s a trigger, a little motivational action. Print it out (weekly), sign it, and put it on your desk, fridge, or in a place you see it often. Another tip is to work together on it with a teammate, a coach to help keep you accountable.

Planning helps me gain more clarity & feel less overwhelmed & anxious. Try it for yourself and see!

There are 2 things Hall Consultants offer:

  1. We do 1:1 Tailored Wellness Consulting: Physical Wellness, Nutrition, & Mindset.

  2. We Help Athletes Problem Solve their Wellness Challenges & Enhance their Strengths OFF the field.

  3. We Help Athletes Feel Good, more Confident & Better Prepared OFF the field,

  4. A great fit is essential. Athletes can apply for a spot and schedule a free chat/consult by visiting our website.

  5. FREE Access to our awesome Wellness Hub with loads of great tools for not only athletes, but for anyone who wants to become better!


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